Comprehensive Counseling, Coaching & Consulting, PLLC
"Creating Change"
Outpatient Therapy
We provide individual, group and family therapy, psycho-educational and supportive counseling to children, adolescence, adults and their families with mental health, developmental disability and/or substance abuse issues.
Diagnostic Assessments
We conducted clinical comprehensive assessments, substance use/abuse assessments, vocational assessments, functional assessments, and/or educational assessments.
Telehealth Services
If you live in a remote area, are housebound, have trouble lining up childcare, or just have too much going on in your life to make room for regular therapy sessions, we now have an option for you.
Tele-counseling, also referred to as e-therapy, e-counseling, or tele-therapy, is the process of providing real-time face-to-face counseling services via the internet. Services are provided via a HIPAA compliant platform that allows us to meet via a secure and private internet server. To request tele-counseling services, please contact me @
Individual and Group Support For Troops and Families
We provide pre- and post-deployment counseling services that include support for relationships, crisis intervention, stress management, grief, occupational hazards, financial counseling and other challenges military families face. Our goal is to help empower individuals to work through their issues, increase individual and family harmony, build resiliency, facilitate recovery and reintegrating and promote confidence in handling the stress of military life.
Employee Assistance Counseling Services
We provide confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems. We address a broad and complex body of issues affecting mental and emotional well-being, such as alcohol and other substance abuse, stress, grief, family problems, and psychological disorders.
Comprehensive Life Skills Assessment, Counseling & Training Program
Our Comprehensive Life Skills assessment, counseling & training program will assess the behaviors and competencies teens and young adults need to achieve their long term goals. It aims to set youth on their way toward developing healthy, productive lives. Our program is appropriate for teens and young adults ages 14 to 21 to assess, and teach life skills youth need for their well-being, confidence and safety as they navigate high school, post secondary education, employment and other life milestones.
Critical Incidence Response
We provide critical incident response services for the management and employees of the affected organization, information and support is provided to survivors, survivor families, and victim families.